Labs: Post-IV Treatment
Uncomfortable with the initial wait-and-see plan, I opted to get a second opinion while also looking for someone who had an earlier availability for an ultrasound. I received a referral to a new office that takes walk-ins. Upon reviewing Cy’s initial labs, the veterinarian admitted him for a 72-hour IV treatment. These labs are following his hospitalization. During this visit, we also got an ultrasound.
He responded well to his treatment. His BUN and creatinine levels decreased significantly. His phosphorous levels are on the high-end but within normal range. Other numbers to watch: ALKP is low, which is to be expected in dogs with kidney disease. AMYL is high which is the key indicator of kidney disease. Low RETIC, fewer red blood cells from marrow, anemia; low RETIC-HGB, inflammation, blood loss or lack of iron, anemia — common for kidney disease.
He’s been prescribed 150ml of subcutaneous fluids once a day for seven days. Then we’re to return for follow up testing. If his numbers are stabilized we’re in a good place, if his numbers escalate then we’re in need of a new course of action or to brace ourselves for the worst.
*I am not a veterinarian or nutritionist. I am not licensed or formally educated in canine medicine or nutrition. I am a pet parent. My interpretations and/or course of action for my pet should not be taken as medical recommendation.